Feb 24, 2022

An alternator is a mini generator that converts mechanical power from the turning crankshaft into electrical power. Thus electrical power is stored in your car’s battery and is also used to power your car’s electrical systems. As with any mechanical part, an alternator can wear out. When you need an alternator repair in Conway, AR, as your GMC dealer and Buick dealer, we can repair or replace it for you.

5 Signs You Need an Alternator Repair at Your GMC Dealer and Buick Dealer in Conway, AR

A Dead Battery

The click, click sound of a dead battery is a very disheartening sound. A battery lasts up to 5 years on average, and then it needs to be replaced. If your battery is relatively new and it suddenly dies, this can be a clue that you have a problem with your alternator. One of the alternator’s jobs is to charge the battery, but if your alternator isn’t working properly the battery won’t be recharged and will die.

Hot Metal Smell

A burning smell in your car is never a good sign. There are many possible causes for the smell, and one of these is a worn alternator. Your alternator will usually last for about 8 years, but as it degrades it loses some of its electrical generating capacity. The greater the electricity demand, the harder the alternator must work to generate it. An overworked alternator will produce a smell like burning metal.

Burning Wiring

Your alternator works perfectly, but the electricity it produces has to be supplied to the components that need it and this requires wiring. Wires run through your car to transmit power to the various components. The wiring is plastic-coated and designed to last, but it can wear and fray due to damage or environmental factors. Damaged wiring will not transmit power effectively, and will start to heat up. The smell of burning wire means we need to replace any damaged wiring ASAP.

Random Electrical Problems

Your car has a large number of components and devices that require electricity. A single electrical issue may be no cause for concern especially if it doesn’t reoccur. When the alternator starts to fail, however, it can’t generate all the electrical power your car needs, and this means that choices have to be made. Your alternator will allocate power to devices, and then need to readjust the supply to service another component. This shifting of power causes random electrical glitches.

Noisy Engine Sounds

Every driver is familiar with the sounds their car’s engine makes, and any odd sound is immediately noticeable. A damaged alternator can make grinding, whining, or humming sounds. These unnerving sounds may be caused by a damaged bearing, a misaligned belt, or a worn pulley, and they are signs you need to visit our service department.

If your alternator is failing, we may be able to repair it or we may need to replace it. Call us at Crain Buick GMC and our technicians will fix the problem for you.